Her teaching methods are critically based on World Health Organization (WHO) other United Nations (UN) and related national directions.
She began this work during ten years as a manager and adviser in Australian government followed by eleven years of teaching in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Sydney University. Since retirement from the university in 2007 she has been particularly interested in the role carbon pollution reduction strategies may play in the introduction of triple bottom line accounting to support more holistic and competitive approaches to global, regional and local management and investment for sustainable development.

As a self funded retiree Carol looks forward to hearing from anybody who would like to learn more about or use her curriculum or related intellectual product on any suitable commercial, non-profit or other voluntary basis.
“We are newly embarked globally upon more competitive national, regional and local governance approaches, which are also aimed at achieving sustainable development through education, service delivery and research to achieve the economic, social and environmental goals of triple bottom line accounting, rather than just financial goals.
Talk of this new, more competitive world order began in 1948 after the Second World War, with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It states all humans are born equal in dignity and rights without distinctions made on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. All are declared to have the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being. We are traveling to this ideal, which depends on sustainable development.
In 1990 the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In 1992, the first principle of the UN Rio Declaration on Environment stated humans are at the centre of concern for sustainable development and entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. The appropriate treatment of land, air, water and the protection of biodiversity are related central goals which must be considered in related global and regional contexts.

The World Health Organization has promoted broadly coordinated and scientific approaches to all administration since 1986 when the Ottawa Charter stated the necessary health supports include peace, shelter, food, income, a stable economic system, sustainable resources, social justice and equity. The Charter called for development of public policy, reorientation of health services, and community action to support health goals. The WHO program aims to increase the span of healthy life so that the disparities between social groups are reduced.

At the 1994 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, national leaders agreed to create an Asia-Pacific free trade zone by 2020, and to protect health and the natural environment. Ideally, regional environments are now examined to identify and manage key risks to community and environment wellbeing. Industry and community approaches to management ideally start with education for key skills and management principles for the identification, prioritization and control of community and environment problems, in order to devise effective injury prevention and rehabilitation solutions for the future. Competitive investments must also be considered in related global and regional contexts.” – Dr. Carol O’Donnell, Spetember 2009.